Sorry for not having posted for a whole week. Last week I first had to make a few "quick" communion cards a neigbour ordered in the last minute (and this allthough we really don´t care about religion - and for a boy also!LOL). I was busy with these all monday long. And then I was totally under the weather with a really bad headache. When I finally felt better end of the week I had to do so much catching up in the house and with my DT cards that there was no time for any additional challenge cards. But now I´m back!

Erin hat diese Woche die Aufgabe für Cupcake Craft Challenges ausgewählt - und anläßlich des 2. Geburtstages ihrer Tochter "2 - 2 - 2" gewählt. Es sollen 2 Farben (plus eine neutrale), 2 verschiedene Formen sowie 2 Arten Bänder auf der Karte. Natürlich dürfen weitere Embellishments gerne auf der Karte verwendet werden!
Ich habe mich für eine Lila-Grün-Kombi entschieden, Kreis und Rechteck in meine Karte eingebaut und natürlich die zwei geforderten Bänder. Das Motiv ist die winkende Tilda von Magnolia.
Erin choosed this week´s challenge at Cupcake Craft Challenges. It´s her daughter´s 2nd birthday and in honor of that she decided to have a "2 - 2 - 2" challenge. Show us 2 colors (plus one neutral), 2 different shapes and also 2 different ribbons on your cardl. Of course any other additional embellishments are welcome as well!
I decided to go with green and violett, used a circle and a rectangle and of course 2 ribbons. My image is the waving Tilda by Magnolia.
Meine Karte habe ich außerdem nach dem neuen Sketch von Sketch Saturday gearbeitet:
I also made my card using the new sketch at Sketch Saturday: