Hallo und wunderschönen Donnerstag! Draußen herrscht wunderbarer Altweiber-Sommer, aber auf dem Basteltisch ist schon tiefster Winter... Aber ich mußte unbedingt die 3. und somit letzte von mir auf dem Mekka gekaufte Weihnachts-Tilda einweihen. Dazu habe ich unseren neuen Sketch bei Cute Card Thursday verwendet:
Hello and happy thursday! It's another sunny and quite warm end-of-summer-day outside but here on my craft desk winter has already arrived... I just had to use the 3rd (and last) christmas Tilda that I got at the Stempelmekka. And I used our new sketch from Cute Card Thursday:

Blue and brown - some warm and muted colors that's what I wanted to use here. I added some Crackle Paint for the snowy look and around the image (unfortunately not or only hard to see on the photo) I added some UTEE. Now it seems like you're looking through a window which edges and corners are covered from ice. Papers are left overs, saying by Catslife Press, flourish by Magnolia, snowflakes from Whiff Of Joy.
Ich möchte mit meiner Karte hier teilnehmen:
I am entering my card here:
Stamp With Fun: anything goes
Simon Says Stamp: dies to die for (dies or punches)
Bah, Humbug!: flourishes and swirls
Und hiermit habe ich coloriert:
And this is what I used to color the image: