Wunderschönen Freitag! Heute habe ich eine kleine Vorschau auf einen der 6 neuen Simply Sassy Stempel für Euch. Die anderen stellen wir Euch morgen während unseres Blog Hops vor!
Happy friday! Today I have a little sneak peak of one of 6 new Simply Sassy stamps. The others will be presented to you tomorrow during our new release blog hop!

Apple Of My Eye is the name of this stamp - and it inspired me to make a fall-ish card. Okay, it may also have been the weather...LOL As usual you can find out more about my card over at the Simply Sassy Blog.
Der Sketch für die Karte stammt von Stamp With Fun:
The sketch for this card is by Stamp With Fun:

And I want to enter my card also here:
Nightshifts Stamping: Halbperlen/half pearls
Die Coloration habe ich hiermit gemacht:
And this is what I did the coloring with: